I owe my presence on Twitter to my friend and colleague @mongkolroek and I cannot thank him enough for introducing me to this wonderful world.
Over the last two years, thanks to my interaction on Twitter, I’ve learnt some much, met some absolutely fantastic and remarkable people. I’ve made new friends and by keeping in touch with my peers, colleagues and friends and by mutually sharing our challenges and aspirations, I’ve had some good laughs and most importantly have been inspired by many in many different ways. I am now Tweetaddict! And I go proud of it.
Having received so much from this wonderful community, I thought it was time to give something back. Over the course of my Twitter experience, I’ve religiously hoarded lots of great links and useful resources. One of my summer projects was to compile a list of useful Twitter tools. And this is what I did. This list is by no means exhaustive.
I hope – as incomplete as it may be – you find it useful. Please feel free to share your preferred tools or resource using the comment feature. If you find this compilation useful, please retweet and share it with your peers, colleagues and friends. I just came across an interesting article on The Guardian entitled "Why Twitter matters to media organizations", which I definitely thought it was worth mentioning, if for nothing else, to show the light to the "nay sayers" and make them understand if they do not embrace this new way of working, they will soon be out of business!
A big thank you to all my wonderful Twitter friends for such a rewarding professional and personal Twitter experience!
The 57 tools/resources are organized in the following 9 categories:
- Archiving tweets
- Followers and unfollowers
- One stop shop
- Scheduling tweets
- What is being said and who is what about you
- Tracking your influence and outreach
- Sharing your Twitter stream in newspaper format
- Visualizing tweets
- Searching Twitterville
- Having a conversation on Twitterville
Want to keep your tweetgems?
- Archivist [http://flotzam.com/archivist/] is a desktop application by Microsoft’s Mix Online team (you’re warned). You create twitter searches and save the results on your computer
- Twapper keeper [http://twapperkeeper.com/] allows you to archive tweets with specific hastags
- Tweettake [http://tweetake.com/] acts like a personal backup system
- Tweetscan [https://www.tweetscan.com/data.php] allows you to download your tweets in a CSV file
- BackupMyTweets [http://backupmytweets.com/] and TweetBackup [http://www.tweetbackup.com/] are useful tools for daily backups
What to know who is following and unfollowing you?
- Friend or Follow [http://friendsorfollow.com] shows you who you are following and who has not reciprocated by following you back
- Goodbye, Buddy! [http://goodbyebuddy.com/] sends you humorous direct messages informing you when people unfollow you
- new! ManageFlitter [http://manageflitter.com/] allows you to clean up and manage your twitter followers
- TwUnfollow [http://twunfollow.com/] notifies you instantly when people unfollow you
- TweetEffect [http://tweeteffect.com/] analyses your last 200 tweets and tells you which tweets helped you gain and/or lose followers
- Twittercounter [http://twittercounter.com/] provides you statistics and data on your followers and also provides predications
- new! Tweepi [http://tweepi.com/] allows you to unfollow people who do not reciprocate
- new! Twiangulate [http://twiangulate.com/search/] making connections
Want to manage all your social media from a single application?
- Hootsuite [http://hootsuite.com/apps] is available for desktop and mobile devices. It’s a one-stop shop that allows you to be manage all your social network platforms in one go and of course it allows you to schedule your tweets!
- TweetDeck [http://www.tweetdeck.com] is perhaps a real “killer” application and allows you to schedule tweets. If you’re not using it as your preferred application, make sure you give it shot. It is definitely worth the try and you’ll not give it up for anything else. Yes I am highly biased!
Need to schedule your tweets?
- LaterBro [http://laterbro.com/] allows you to manage and schedule tweets for multiple twitter accounts and one facebook account
- Cotweet [http://www.cotweet.com] allows you to schedule tweets for multiple accounts and displays your tweets and RTs. Runs much better with Firefox and Chrome. Does not like IE
- Twaitter [http://www.twaitter.com/] another service allowing you to schedule tweets. It has a nifty “recurrence” feature and a futuristic prompt “what will you be doing?”
- Future tweets [http://futuretweets.com/], Tatweet [http://taweet.com/], Tweetsqueue [https://tweetsqueue.appspot.com/] do what you expect them to should do – schedule tweets. Twuffer [http://twuffer.com/] on the other hand while allowing you to schedule tweets does not let you edit them once queued
- Dynamic tweets [http://www.dynamictweets.com/] allows you to upload your tweets from a CSV file
- TweetSched [http://www.daveandrews.org/tweetsched/] is a desktop application allowing you to schedule your tweets
- Tweet U Later [http://www.tweet-u-later.com/] is a cool tool, it gives you options to schedule a tweet, to schedule a direct message and schedule via e-mail
Dying to know who is saying what and who is what about you?
- Socialmention [http://www.socialmention.com/ ] allows you to search across the web by name or any other search term. It also calculated number of RTs and how likely Twitter users will mention you again
- Twitterfall [http://twitterfall.com/] a web application that allows you to see tweets and search terms like a waterfall
- Retweetrank [http://www.retweetrank.com/] allows you to find out who is retweeting you and shows you how you rank compared to other users
- Backtweets [http://backtweets.com/] allows you to see links made by Twitter users to your site. It also keeps track of shortened URLs
- Quotably [http://quotably.com/] allows you to follow conversations in a thread mode
- Twitterlinkr [http://www.twitterlinkr.com/] shows you the popular links that people are posting
- Tweetmeme [http://www.tweetmeme.com/] displays popular topics on Twitterville
- Twist [http://twist.flaptor.com/ ] allows you to compare frequency of different search terms
- Twitter friends [http://twitter-friends.com/] focuses on conversation and information aspects. It provides conversational and link quotient data
Want to tracking your influence and outreach in Twitterville?
- Twitter grader [http://twittergrader.com] helps you keep track of how “influential” you are on twitter
- Tweet reach [http://tweetreach.com/] is a cool tool that shows you how many people potentially saw your tweets
- Tweetstats [http://tweetstats.com/] allows you to find the behaviour of any twitter user. The statistics s include aggregate daily tweets, replies to top 10 persons you've replied
- Twitteranalyzer [http://www.twitteranalyzer.com/] is Google Analytics for Twitter users
- Twittratr [http://twitrratr.com/] allows you to monitor whether tweets about a specific subject were received positively or negatively. You need to study the ranking because at time it gets confused :) and gives not quite the correct information.
- Twitter rank [http://twitterank.com/] tells you how you rank amongst in Twitterville
- Twitalyzer [http://www.twitalyzer.com/] provides various metrics ranging from influence score to your clout and retweet rates
- Klout [http://klout.com/] is an amazing tool showing your breadth of influence and clout
- Twitinfluence [http://twinfluence.com/ ] allows you to find out your reach, social capital and know who are you first and second order followers
Share your Twitter stream in an on-line news and magazine format
- Paper.li [http://paper.li] allows you to create a daily on-line newspaper from your twitter stream by aggregating the tweet gems and nuggets in the most magnificent way. Must try. You’ll love it
- Microplaza [http://microplaza.com/] aggregates and organizes links from your Twitter stream. Has a cool feature “Being someone” which allows you to see into someone else’s world. Allows you to organize people who you follow in “tribes”. Promises to be a great tool. Right now is in beta
Check out the buzz in Twitterville on maps
- Tweetcloud [http://tweetcloud.icodeforlove.com/] generates a tag cloud of your tweets and provides some cool stats. A must try!
- Umapper [http://www.umapper.c om/] allows you to create an embeddable map of recent tweets
- NearbyTweets [http://nearbytweets.com/] let you discover tweets from local user and maps it out using google maps
- Trendsmap [http://trendsmap.com/] uses a map to show the conversations in Twitterville
Who says, the ultimate search is Google? Try one of these cools Twittsearch tools
- Searchtastic [http://www.searchtastic.com/index.php] useful tool for searching for old tweets – the ones that do not show up in Twittersearch (see below)
- Twittersearch [http://search.twitter.com/] is for those who do not want to expand their twitter experience and are exclusively Twitter aficionadas…
- Tweepsearch [http://tweepsearch.com/] is a wonderful tool allowing you to use keywords to search in peoples profiles.
- Twitjobsearch [http://www.twitjobsearch.com/] is your tool, if you are looking for a job. Give it try!
- Tweetmeme [http://tweetmeme.com/] make sure you check out tweetmeme’s search functionalities
- Twellow [http://www.twellow.com/ ] is Twitter’s yellow pages
- Hastags [http://hashtags.org/] allows you to search tweets by their hashtags
Twitterville as a speakers' corner
- new! Tweetchat http://tweetchat.com/] allows you to follow a conversation based on hashtag
- 10 ways to archive your tweets: http://m.readwriteweb.com/archives/10_ways_to_archive_your_tweets.php
- 5 useful tools to track twitter unfollowers http://mashable.com/2010/08/09/track-twitter-unfollowers/
- 11 services for scheduling social media http://mashable.com/2010/08/02/schedule-social-media-updates-free/
- 10 ways to track what people are saying about you on Twitter http://www.10000words.net/2010/03/10-ways-to-track-what-people-are-saying/
- 9 tools to measure your reach and influence http://www.dailybloggr.com/2009/06/9-tools-to-measure-your-twitter-influence-reach/
- 21 great twitter analytics tools http://www.technobuzz.net/21-great-twitter-analytics-tools/
- 8 Excellent Twitter Analytics Tools to Extract Insights from Twitter Streams http://www.socialmediatoday.com/SMC/80437
- 12 Awesome Tools For Efficient Twitter Searches http://www.dumblittleman.com/2010/04/12-awesome-tools-for-efficient-twitter.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+DumbLittleMan+(Dumb+Little+Man+-+tips+for+life)
- Top 5 most indispensable Twitter tools for marketers http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/indispensable-twitter-tools
Great list,Roxanna. I just tweeted about it to my followers. Twitter.com/hermanogeoff
great list i am going to add another site in this list hope you like it after you visit it.
This is really a great list and I am glad there are always new websites and applications that could be added to those you mention. My contribution: http://who.unfollowed.me/ It is really useful since you can log in using your Twitter username and password and it gives you the opportunity to see who unfollowed you, who is not following you back and an unfollower history. (Writing all these I realised how languages evolve together with the social media! Who would have used "unfollowed" some five years ago?)
Great list,Roxanna.
Thanks for the list
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