Thursday, 31 May 2007

Reflections on women leadership and management course

Last week I attended an extraordinary training course for women leaders and managers. The course was absolutely a precious and priceless GIFT. In my life, I've never had so much time devoted to ME nor so manypeople paying attention to ME.

I was lucky enough to attend the course in a very particular moment in my work life. At the end of the course I felt energized and realized that I needed to get back to being the cheerful, boisterous, energetic and positive self that I've always been.

The course was a great learning experience as it made me realize that:
  • Role of a leader is not only to deal with complex issues but also with complex and complicated people
  • I should not allow the fear, insecurity and negativity of one person or a group of people undermine or sap my passion and commitment
  • Skills can be acquired but the challenge is to know oneself
  • Organizations can have excellent processes and bullet proof procedures, however it takes individuals and more specifically leaders to ensure allthe assets are put to good use
  • My issues are not necessarily greater nor more complex than others, that when my challenge is unpacked it may very well turn out to be rathermundane
  • I need to be more self-aware of my leadership skills

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